Comedy Club ("Comedy Club") is a television humor show in Russia, which is an analog of the program in the United States. The project was created by members of the "New Armenians" team of the "Club of Merry and Resourceful", which included such famous comedians as Artashes Sargsyan, Garik Martirosyan, Artak Gasparyan. The show was first aired in 2005 and was broadcasted on TNT channel. On April 23, Russia saw a new format of television entertainment, which united KVN players from different teams. For several years of existence, the humor show has grown into a successful business with millions of dollars in turnover.
General information about the project
"Kamedi Club" is a stand-up show format, in which resident humorists ridicule situations and characters, use profanity. For comedians in this television program there are no forbidden topics. The objects of ridicule are often the guests of the show.
The main characters of the project are KVN players. Among them there are no professional artists. Over the creation of sketches and reprises works creative team, which includes more than 50 authors. But during performances residents do not always follow the written. They often improvise, use sharp jokes, sarcasm.
"Comedy Club": the beginning
The idea to create a humorous television show (analog of the American project) came to the KVNschiki in 2001. Dzhanibekyan was the main producer of the show. He did not perform on stage, was responsible for the financial affairs of the project. Sarkisyan organized tours and was the host of the show. Garik Martirosyan took over the development of the repertoire. The preparation of the project took about 3 years.
Comedy Club parties were first held in the cafe "Kasbar". Already at the initial stage the guys demonstrated an excellent level of preparation. They saw the stars of the national variety at their performances. After a while the whole team moved to the cafe "Maner". Every Saturday in it guests gathered and enjoyed the game of humorists. It was here that the pilot version of the program was recorded.
The program debuted in 2004 on MTV channel. In cooperation with him was filmed only one New Year's Eve episode. Soon the show "moved" to the channel "TNT". At first, the organizers were offered help by A. Tsekalo, producer of "STS". But the general director of the channel considered this format not quite suitable. Then Roman Petrenko, the general director of TNT, visited one of the performances, was satisfied with what he saw, and offered the participants to sign a contract with his channel. On April 23, 2005 the comedy program was first aired.
Within two years 100 episodes were filmed. At the same time the team created the production company Comedy Club Production. She began to engage in the production of the program, which had a positive effect on the popularization of the show. Residents of the "Comedy Club" changed, special issues were released, the authors attended humor festivals.
Exactly five years after the creation of the humor show, the premiere of the updated project took place. By this time, many jokes of residents have become "eternal", the team was replenished with new artists, musicians. The show reached a new level and continued to delight viewers and guests.
Presenters and participants
One of the organizers and producers Artashes Sargsyan became the first host of the TV show. The extravagant Armenian was loved by viewers and guests of the program, but eventually left the project and went into the restaurant business.
He was replaced by Garik Martirosyan. His arrival coincided with the release of the updated show. Now each program began with a short dialog with the audience. Such a technique was used to warm it up. After a while, the company of Garik was Pavel Volya. His performances increased the rating of the program, despite the sharp, ironic jokes. The duo of presenters eventually turned into a trio. They were joined by Garik Kharlamov.
After meeting with the hosts of the show, guests and viewers of the program enjoyed miniature productions and performances in stand-up format. Garik Kharlamov often performed in the company of Timur Batrutdinov. The duo was very much loved by the audience.
Over time, the team of humorists from men was replenished with a girl, Marina Kravets.
One of the oldest residents of "Kamedi" - Alexander Reva. He has been working in the show since 2006, in productions often played with Vadim Galygin.
Another popular duo is Andrei Molochny and Anton Lirnik. Other famous residents: Demis Karibidis, Andrey Skorokhod, Mikhail Galustyan, Semyon Slepakov, Ruslan Bely, Alexander Nezlobin, Viktor Vasiliev and many others.
About Comedy Club brand
Today it is a popular, well-known brand in Russia and abroad. Under it and with the support of residents of the show, a number of programs are released. Among the most famous are:
- "Our Russia";
- "Homicidal League";
- "Laughter without Rules";
- "Kamedi Vumen" and others.
Two parts of the movie "The Best Movie" were released under the brand. Actors in them were Russian celebrities and members of Comedy Club. Other cult projects of the company: Stand Up, "Dancing", "Improvisation", television series "Univer" and "Interns".
Touring events, including international performances, are organized under the Kamedi brand. Festival direction is engaged in one of the main residents Pavel Volya.
Today, the actors of the Russian show "Comedy Club" are highly paid on the domestic scene. For their corporate performances will have to pay at least 10 thousand dollars. The team has long since changed a small room to a large concert hall, shoots programs in Moscow, Sochi, Jurmala, travels around Russia and the world.